Organise a wedding
Christ Church has a new building where we can host weddings for those living in our parish*! It comes with a fabulous garden, great for photographs!
Can I get married at Christ Church?
*In order to marry at Christ Church Norris Green you must legally qualify to do so. A legal qualification is one or more of the following:
1. Either of you must currently reside within the parish boundary.
2. Either can have lived in the parish for 6 months or more.
3. Either of you have attended services regularly for at least 6 months.
4. Either of you were baptised or confirmed here.
5. Either of your parents or grandparents married here.
If you can say YES to any of the above, then reach out to us, we'd love to explore this further.
Get my banns read
If you live in Christ Church Parish but are getting married in a different Church of England Parish, it's likely you will need to get your Banns of Marriage published at Christ Church. This is a legal preliminary to you getting married.
We do this in our 1030 am service and banns are published over three consecutive weeks in the 10 weeks leading up to your wedding. There's a small charge and a certificate is issued which you need to take to the Vicar of the Church where your wedding is held.
Contact the Vicar at Christ Church to arrange an appointment to organise the reading of banns.