A local church, with a big heart, serving an awesome God

Our awesome God is a God of love and welcome, and at Christ Church we long to share that same love and welcome with all who connect with us!
Come along on a Sunday, or to any of our other activities and events - you are invited, you are welcome…. We’d love to meet you.
If you’re wondering what our services are like, then you can check us out online! We hope that you might also like to come and meet us. We love that when we gather on a Sunday there tends to be a whole mix of local people from all walks of life, all experiences and backgrounds, brought together because we want to know more about Jesus and share together in worship of our awesome God.
We are part of the Church of England and our services are shaped by the Anglican traditions, but we try and shape them to fit our community, we hope that they are fairly informal, accessible to all and a place of deepening discipleship and joy!
We would love you to come along, spend some time with us and maybe join the family of God at Christ Church.
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